California Water Made Simple

California_water_explained_2dCelebrating end of the academic year, and the need to grade papers, here is a reprise post from January 29, 2014.

There’s only so many acre-feet of water jargon the public can absorb during a drought. Here’s a primer that avoids wading into cubic-feet-per-second, appropriative water rights, overdraft, conjunctive water use and the like.

Further reading

Hanak, et al. 2011, Managing California’s Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation, Public Policy Institute of California

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3 Responses to California Water Made Simple

  1. Michael Geraghty says:

    What a relief to see a simple graphic without those confusing legends and place names. With a single glance, it can be ascertained that:
    1) there are a lot of thirsty places
    2) there don’t seem to be any rivers in the south– maybe too hot?
    3) there are more pumped rivers than actual rivers- crazy!

    I live in one of those thirsty places, so I am off to the fridge right now.

  2. Brilliant! I reckon this picture is worth at least a thousand words. Sure suggests that thirst is greater than river or pumped river…

  3. Pingback: MAVEN'S NOTEBOOK - Water news

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